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» الذي لديه نماذج اختبارات مزاولة مهنه في الصيدلة يحطه هنا
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» أسئلة وأجابات للصيادلة بكالريوس ودبلوم قد تنفعك في مقابلات طلب وظيفة Pdf
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» الآداب العامة.. الواجب أولاً
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» كيف نربى أبناءنا على الحياة الإيجابية؟
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»  الحكمة من نفض الفراش قبل النوم
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  Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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احمدعبدالملك الشريف
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عضو جديد
احمدعبدالملك الشريف

الدولة : اليمن
الكلية : العلوم الطبيه
المستوى : رابعه
المدينة : رداع
الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 129
عدد النقاط : 334
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/11/2010

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مُساهمةموضوع: Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death       Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 09, 2011 1:15 am

Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death

Excess cholesterol in the blood can cause a buildup of fats that clog arteries. This can trigger heart attacks and strokes. Therefore this high cholesterol levels should be controlled through lifestyle changes. If the LDL cholesterol level is too high or the recommended use of drugs.
Sala one type of cholesterol-lowering drugs are statins drugs. These drugs play a role in mensitetis body cholesterol by blocking a substance in the liver needed to make cholesterol. As a result there is no cholesterol in the liver cells so the body took it from the blood. These drugs are effective for lowering total cholesterol and triglycerides.
In a comparison by a team of researchers from the UK and Australia to the drug therapy of statins with other cholesterol-lowering statins proven in high doses can reduce the risk of death and heart attack by 13 percent.
Even so, it should be noted also side effects from use of these drugs statins in high doses. Side effects that have been reported muscle weakness or myopathy. In some cases it will cause muscle damage

Tags: Drugs, Statin Drugs, Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death
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Side Effects of Ginger

   Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Ginger2
Ginger is a spice in the world cooking pillar used to flavor dishes in Asian countries, Indian and Arabic cuisine. Ginger benefits go beyond cooking and have long been recognized to offer healing properties important to a human body.
Ginger may help in treating various health problems such as slow digestion, colds, flu, women’s issues and the list continues. Essential oil of ginger is an integral component of treating painful joints and muscles.
Despite its many benefits, side effects occur with ginger and must be considered before starting any treatment using ginger. Ginger Side effects may include heartburn, nausea, sores in the mouth if taken in large quantities. Because of side effects of ginger, this herbal product should not be administered to people suffering from acid reflux or stick to the diet hiatal hernia.
allergic side effects ginger are also noted in particular for people with allergies in general. Ginger allergic reaction may manifest skin rashes, diarrhea and irritation of the eyes from direct contact with the ginger.
Patients who are taking anticoagulants such as Coumadin, warfarin should not take ginger to avoid possible side effects of bleeding ginger.
Also, if you are on certain medications such as insulin, anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, immunosuppressants or antibiotics, consult your doctor before taking ginger supplements to avoid possible drug interactions ginger.
The maximum recommended dose for adults is 4 grams of ginger product per day to avoid gastrointestinal side effects ginger. Ginger supplements may not be tolerated, and the fresh ginger root

Tags: cooking, Ginger, Side Effects of Ginger
Posted in Health Tips, Herbal, Medicine | No Comments »

Practical tips for caring for your skin

The skin is the outermost shell of your body, which must be kept clean and fed. If your skin is kept healthy, then you’ll feel more beautiful, fresh and young. Your skin needs to be pampered and cared for. The skin is the body part, which is constantly exposed to different types of pollutants and harsh environment. These pollutants can harm the skin and the skin loses its youthful glow. Here is some basic information about how to keep your skin healthy. Know your skin type before you begin a program of skin care. There are four basic skin types, normal, oily, dry, sensitive skin.

You should wash your face to remove dirt from it and keep it clean. You should never wash your face with hot or cold water. Hot and cold water causes broken capillaries on the skin. Always wash your face with warm water to remove dirt and open clogged pores of your skin. You should wash your face as often as possible. But never forget to wash it before bed and morning. You should never go to bed with makeup on. You should use a mild cleanser for your skin type to clean your skin. The surfactants present in the cleaner to remove dirt and oil secreted by sweat glands. You must apply the cleanser on your face gently in circular motions. Then wash your face with cool water.
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Tags: Practical tips for caring for your skin, skin, tips for caring for your skin
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Face Lift Surgery

As we age, the signs of aging appear initially in the face as wrinkles, skin softer, crow’s feet, and a variety of other skin defects.,Face lifts come in a variety of flavors, but all seek to take over the facial skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. There are techniques of plastic surgery, non-surgical techniques, and some natural lifting techniques available.
A facelift will lift your sagging cheeks, smooth your jaw line, and eliminate jowling. Plastic surgery of the face will also tighten the loose skin of the neck, remove excess fat under the chin, and correct the appearance of your turkey turkey neck.,The average cost of lifting the U.S. including surgeon’s fees ($ 5,000), anesthesiologist fees ($ 1,000), operating room charges ($ 1500) and Night ($ 500) is 8,000 $.
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Tags: Face Lift, Face Lift Surgery
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A Guide To Dry Skin Care

Dry skin is characterized by the appearance of dull and rough. Some people are born with dry skin, while others develop it over time, due to a multitude of factors. Dry skin tends to age more quickly because it lacks the necessary oil and moisture to keep skin soft and supple.
Individuals may develop dry skin due to overexposure to sunlight, harsh climatic conditions such as severe cold or heat, or artificial room heating or cooling. A diet inadequate skin care, especially the excessive use of soap or washing your face, or no skin care at all can also lead to dull skin.
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Tags: A Guide To Dry Skin Care, Dry Skin Care, Skin Care
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5 Beauty Tips for sun protection

We love spending time in the sun, if it is absorbing the rays deliciously warm on the beach or enjoy an afternoon on the porch light. However, the damage the sun can damage the skin, accelerating the aging process and even contribute to the risk of certain types of cancer. We must take steps to protect us against excessive sun exposure, and there are many options to do so.
This article offers tips to avoid unnecessary sun damage and recommendations for sunscreen products that will keep your skin vulnerable safe and undamaged. Reduce exposure The first step in protecting your skin against the sun is to minimize the amount of exposure you receive on a daily basis.
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Tags: 5 Beauty Tips for sun protection, Beauty, Beauty Tips, Beauty Tips for sun protection, sun protection
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Detection of Heart Disease Through Hair

Do not underestimate the condition of hair. Studies University of Western Ontario, Canada, revealed that the hair can be an indicator of heart health problems.
As quoted from page Times of India, each strand containing rambung stress hormone called cortisol. This hormone is usually released the body when experiencing stress or psychological and physiological reactions of the changes in circumstances that can not be received.
Cortisol levels are also contained in the urine and saliva. However, cortisol levels in hair is considered more effective for mapping the heart condition because it is more measured. Logically, hair growth is relatively stable believe is about one centimeter per month.
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Tags: Detection of Heart Disease, Detection of Heart Disease Through Hair, Heart Disease
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Perming hair during pregnancy

Hormones play an important role to make changes in your body during pregnancy. And your hair is no exception. The changes vary among women, according to the amount of hormones secreted by your hair could therefore thin or thicken. Here, I’ll explain if perming hair during pregnancy is safe or not. Read more.
Is it safe to perm your hair during pregnancy?
The change in texture and quality of hair is caused by the hormone estrogen. Normally, our hair undergoes a cycle in which it is made and rejected. The process has a special term, which gets delayed when you are pregnant. During pregnancy, the falling phase is reduced due to increased levels of the hormone estrogen and the growth phase is increased. Thus, your hair grows and a large volume is added. Hair loss is experienced once the normal cycle is resumed after childbirth. Perm your hair during pregnancy can cause hair loss, even if the chemicals may not harm your baby.
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Tags: Perming hair, Perming hair during pregnancy, pregnancy
Posted in Health Tips, Women Health | No Comments »

Caffeine Overdose

   Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Caffeine-Overdose
Many kinds of plants that contain caffeine as one of their constituents. Although it is a naturally occurring substance, it is also produced synthetically. The purpose of his presence in plants is to work as a natural pesticide and prevent insects from feeding on plants. Its use in humans is through the grains of the plant coffee, tea leaves, guarana berries, etc., you must know, caffeine helps to reduce sleepiness and increase alertness . This is due to the fact that this substance acts as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. Drinks such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, etc., are products that have caffeine as an ingredient Prime. It is also present in certain medications such as stimulants OTC. The most common NoDoz, Vivarini, Caffedrine, etc. Caffeine overdose occurs when it is consumed in more quantity than what is considered safe. Overdose can occur accidentally or intentionally. Symptoms that may occur after the overdose and the treatment required have been discussed below.
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Tags: Caffeine, Caffeine Overdose
Posted in Health Tips, Herbal, Medicine, Men Health, Women Health | No Comments »

Fitness Activities

Fitness. The new F-word. I do not really need to go into details on why fitness is important. The goodness and the importance of physical fitness has finally been recognized worldwide and more people to enter training fitness. Thus, it was clarified that the form is important and should be included in our daily activities, but what must be fitness activities? What can we do for fitness? What are some exercises that we can take? This is exactly what we addressed in the next article – rehabilitation activities in various forms for different age groups. So if you want to get some fitness activities inside or outside, then read the following article for tips fitness.

  • Fitness Activities for Children

Press the youth and start making the vagaries of fitness of children! Make it a lifestyle for them and you will make a lot of good in keeping them healthy and free of disease throughout their lives. Kids are so fickle and you can not ask them to be obstinate in her gym. Not at all! So what? Try some fun fitness activities for them and not only will they exercise, but they will love them! What are some of these fitness activities that you can get them to try? Here is a list of some training exercise that you can hang with:
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Tags: • Dance • Skate • Martial Arts • Sports School • Bowling • Walking • climbing trees, Fitness, Fitness Activities, Fitness Activities for Adults, Fitness Activities for Children
Posted in Fitness, Health Tips, Men Health, Women Health | No Comments »

Extreme fatigue women

We lead a very fast and frenetic life to survive in this world that is increasingly demanding.

Fatigue is the result of the fast life where we do not spend enough time to care for ourselves. Otherwise, there are other reasons that cause extreme fatigue in men and women. Medical conditions, mental stress and constant pressure are just some of them. However, this article will focus on the causes of extreme fatigue in women. Now, in these cases in detail.
What causes extreme fatigue in women?
As mentioned above, the medical and mental stress are some of the reasons why extreme fatigue in women. Mentioned below paragraphs will shed some light on these grounds.

  • Anemia

Anaemia is the loss of healthy red blood cells in the blood. When there is an enormous amount of blood loss due to any reason, the person is said to suffer from anemia. In women with anemia is caused due to heavy menstruation, childbirth recent, multiple pregnancies or gastro-intestinal. Anemia can also be the result of vitamin deficiency. Anemia is a common reasons for extreme fatigue in women. If a person shows any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult the doctor to obtain the reasons for anemia diagnosed correctly. Once properly diagnosed the problem, the next step is easy. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications, such as iron supplements and / or supplements of vitamins or other medications that are needed to treat anemia. In some cases, medication may be necessary to take a long time, if the case is serious. The regular medication on time and a healthy diet will ensure that anemia does not lead to extreme fatigue in women.
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Tags: Extreme fatigue, Extreme fatigue women, women
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Sneeze-sneeze triggers in the Morning Day

Sneezing in the morning is often experienced by some people. This usually occurs during sleep or just waking up out of the shower. What triggers people always sneeze in the morning? Sneeze in the morning can be a common occurrence experienced by allergy sufferers and occurs for several minutes after he wakes up.
This condition is sometimes accompanied with a red nose and watery eyes. But this rarely found sneezing continues until noon or during the day. there are various things or conditions that could trigger a person sneezing in the morning, namely:
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Tags: sneeze, sneeze triggers, sneeze triggers in the Morning Day, Sneeze-sneeze triggers in the Morning Day
Posted in Health Tips, Men Health, Women Health | No Comments »

Useful if Wear Sandals Reflexology?

   Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Sandals-ReflexologyThis base is not flat sandals but like barbed-thorns which seemed to make it if worn feet tingling. Reflexology sandals (reflexology) claimed could cure various diseases. How effective is the use of reflexology slippers to cure disease? “Reflexology points that are located on the hands and feet and this is quite true that reflexology can relieve the pain due to toothache, chest pain or stomach pain. But in patofisiologinya not yet be explained why in this way can heal the pain.
Pathophysiology itself is the study of dysfunction in the sick organism include the origin of disease, beginning the journey of the disease and the consequences it generated. According to Dr. Andreas this is different than acupuncture. In the process of acupuncture can be explained, because when done on acupuncture will be sent impulses to the brain to release endorphins (a type of morphine) that can be useful for pain relief. While in reflexology, the loss of such pain can not be explained.
About reflexology sandals are sold today, Dr. Andreas claimed not to know for sure whether it has really proven or not. “It must be understood is that reflexology can cure only the symptoms only (simpotamik), but for the cause of the underlying disease or illness can not be eliminated with reflexology,” said a doctor who practiced at Gading Pluit Hospital, Jakarta.
Dr. Andreas pointed out for example in people suffering from dengue fever will usually suffer from heartburn, with reflexology this pain can be eliminated, but the disease can not be cured berdarahnya fever. Similarly, due to toothache pain or chest pain caused by heart, the pain can indeed be eliminated, but the heart toothache and can not be cured

Tags: Reflexology, Sandals Reflexology, Useful if Wear Sandals Reflexology?, Wear Sandals Reflexology
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German Measles (Rubella)

   Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Rubella
Rubella, also called German measles or three-day measles, is a contagious viral infection of the skin. Rubella is not the same with measles (rubeola), though the two diseases do share some characteristics, including a red rash on the skin.

The signs and symptoms of rubella, especially in children, is often so mild that it is difficult to see. If the signs and symptoms occur, they usually appear between two and three weeks after exposure to the virus. Rubella usually lasts about two to three days and symptoms are as follows :

  1. Low-grade fever with a temperature of 38.9 degrees Celsius or lower
  2. Headache
  3. Nasal congestion or runny nose
  4. Sore, red eyes
  5. Pink rash that begins on the face of rapidly spreading to her back and then his arms and legs
  6. Joint pain, especially in young women

There is no treatment for rubella infection shorten. Symptoms are usually very mild, usually not needed. However, doctors often recommend to isolate the patient from others – especially pregnant women – during the period of infection.
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مشرف كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسوب
مشرف كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسوب

الدولة : اليمن
الكلية : الهندسة
المستوى : اول
المدينة : صنعاء - بيت بوس
الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 307
عدد النقاط : 518
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/10/2010
العمر : 32

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death       Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 09, 2011 2:02 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابن حيان
عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط
ابن حيان

الدولة : اليمن
الكلية : كلية العلوم الطبية
المدينة : صنعاء
الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 151
عدد النقاط : 244
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/10/2010
العمر : 36

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death       Statin Drugs Reduce Risk of Death     Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 26, 2011 9:27 pm

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